Monday, March 21, 2011

What Does 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus Mean And What Kind Of Changes It Can Provoke In Future Astrological Interpretations

Journalist Ketevan (Kate) Charkhalashvili

 Last time internet and media was full of information about new 13th zodiacal sign named Ophiuchus that provoked big controversy and panic between astrology followers due to changes it can bring. Traditionally are known 12 zodiacal signs and all the information and interpretations that reached us through centuries from oldest civilizations are based on. Modern astrological interpretations are based on one of the oldest astrological information filled with other details from other ones and also taking into account modern experience, customized to epochal differences. All the oldest astrological traditions take into account 12 zodiacal sign, but they all were aware of 13th constellation, which is blamed for 13th zodiacal sign controversy. It has very interesting mythological history and nearly similar to Prometheus myth.
 This is the constellation located around the celestial equator between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. His name comes from old Greek  Ophiuchus means “serpent-bearer”, usually depicted as a man holding snake in his hands, snake is the same snake constellation. First it was mentioned by Greek poet Aratus IV century B.C. Roman mythography depicts healer Asclepius who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs.   To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius’ care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works. In medieval Islamic astronomy the constellation was known as "the snake-charmer"
In early Renaissance it was depicted with Scorpio under his feet, which threatens him to bite.  Lately it was used in Bible while God applying to snake in Eden Garden
What do 13th astrological sign mean, why it was and is ignored in astrological interpretations  and why this question raised exactly now about these and other interesting subjects we talked to astrologer, collaborator of Georgian Abastumani observatory Giorgi Ramishvili. We are interested if this sign will be taken into account while working on astrological interpretations and what kind of influence its energy had, has and may have in future on the Earth and human beings and their lives.   We also consider that taking into account existence of the factor of 13th zodiac every human will change its astrological belonging.

Ketevan Charkhalashvili:
I often use astrology in my everyday life. I’m interested in 13th zodiacal sign and its meaning and wonder what kind of results we can get ignoring it?

Spring equinox and scheme of epochal 2000 
zodiacal signs 
                                                                     Giorgi Ramishvili:
Those people who doubt the 13th zodiac sign is absolutely ignorant of astrology, because when talking of astrology they mix zodiac signs with zodiac constellation with each other. Astrology is built on zodiac signs and it has no practical connection to the constellations. Astrology uses only those shiny stars that may be placed behind the zodiacal signs on the sky as move less stars and it doesn’t consider constellations at all. It must be mentioned, that there were no difference between them exactly 20-21 century ago. It means: the definitions of zodiacal sign looks like:  this is observable movement of the Sun on the sky during a year that creates 360% circle divided into 12 30% sector, the same zodiacal sign. Traditionally the first starting point of 12 zodiacal signs called spring equinox was named as Aries, then Taurus and so forth. Constellation placed behind the 12 zodiacal sign, were exactly similar to them 21 centuries before and they keep the same names till today. But the starting point of zodiacal nearly the same ecliptic flat changes its position towards move less stars, process called precession discovered 21 centuries ago. It means that the starting point changes position in an opposite direction of clock arrow towards stars that seem less movable. This is one “problem”, another one is that the zodiacal same ecliptic flat, which is in fact is the flat created by the movement of the sun perceived by the eye, not only revolves but also branches and changes space orientation towards move less stars. Must be said that they move, but so slowly that they can be counted as move less stars.  If not these changes 12 zodiacal signs would move towards the same constellations with the same names constantly and would happen only the move of the starting point of zodiacal signs, which is the same beginning of the spring time by the calendar and both would remain 12. This starting point moves by 1% a 71 year, it means that it will move once in 2016 years.  But as both these changeable factors are objective now behind the 12 zodiacal sign occurred 13 constellations. Nowadays zodiacal circle is moved by more the one zodiacal sign, that means that in Aires sun arrives in March 21, in the same constellation it occurs only in April 14 what is quite late. But the subject of this investigation is that astrology is based on location of the Sun and planets towards zodiacal signs and doesn’t consider constellations. Based on this fact in spite of changeable nature of ecliptic flat, zodiacal signs they remain the same. Observing Sun movement in zodiacal signs becomes clear that when Sun arrive in Aries in March 21 staying there till April 14, comes real spring. Then it moves to Taurus, at this moment Sun is located on concrete height towards Earth and towards concrete place on Earth, though moving into Taurus it gets higher and creates wider circle around the Earth, means the length on the day increases.  This is information based on astrological signs: when Sun and planets are located in concrete astrological sign they are characterized with certain astrological energy that is very much proved in everyday life.  So the main astrological information is based not on constellation but zodiacal signs. This is concrete knowledge based on concrete astral locations which haven’t changed yet and won’t change ever. Space orientation changes but we move together with, so there is no problem about.

Ecliptic path 

K.C. Do constellations influence on the Earth and people?

G.R. Astrology considers not constellations and their unity but concrete big shiny stars amongst them, which have secondary or third rate meaning. Astrology is based on the location of the Sun and planets in zodiacal sign, towards the horizon of the Earth and its concrete point and their correlation with each other. Influence and location of stars, means shiny big stars in constellations considered towards zodiacal signs, calculated and have secondary meaning. Every astrologer is very well aware about this.

K.C. From where comes the idea if 13th zodiacal sign?

G.R. The modern scheme of constellation (88 modern constellations) that can be seen by the eye was described in 20th century. Observing them they found out that there are 13 constellations in ecliptic flat. 12 of them have the same name similar to zodiacal signs, but 13th one, which is came through suddenly occurred to be Ophiuchus. The name has mythological origin like other zodiacal signs. But people who are not aware of the fact that astrology doesn’t consider influence of constellations saw difference between and this fact provoked critic of astrology. 

K.C. Is there is the reason of “conflict” between astrology and astronomy that last one considers as the center of the universe the Earth and astronomy the Sun?

G.R.  Astronomy as well as astrology knows that the center of our world is the Sun and we all revolve around it. But if we want to talk about things that have place on the Earth we should consider Earth as a center to define how energy of planets and astronomical objects influence on us. This is geocentric system that is considered in astronomy too if we want to research things that are happening on, but doesn’t refuse the idea that the center of our solar system is the Sun, though it seems, that all the planets and the Sun are revolving around us. But there is one factor important for astrology: we all know that Mars is moves on its circle, better said eclipses around the Sun quite constantly, but observing Mars movement from the Earth it changes speed, sometimes stops, makes hook, goes in opposite direction… that’s why historically in Georgian planets also are named as astrays. When plant stops and influences Earth longer than usual it has very big importance for astrology.

K.C.  Do these changes in movement have permanent character?

G.R.  It’s well known, it’s countable and if we turn from heliocentric system to geocentric we will see these hooks and turns of planets easily. The conclusion is that astrology researches the influence of cosmic factors on Earth but uses not traditional scientific but occult approach. Traditionally thinking scientists have critical attitude towards astrology because it doesn’t satisfy modern definitions of science.  

K.C. What does it mean modern definitions of science?

G.R. The modern definition of science has origin from Renaissance; it means that there is system of concrete knowledge that depends on logical information. In common astrology is based on statistics, which is science and mystic, that can never be the science.

K.C. What is the definition of mystic?

G.R. This is information came to us through centuries about character of influences of planets on the Earth and human that never will be tangible. 

K.C. Is there is tendency that astrology and astronomy come closer and became identical?

G.R. This can never happen because both have their own subject of research. But astrology uses knowledge of different sciences as astronomy, mathematics and some humanitarian sciences, archeology as well, which is used by the information came to us through centuries. Calculating apparatus of astronomy is totally based on astronomy.

K.C. If not the information came to us during centuries from ancient civilizations, how would modern astronomy make its interpretations?

G.R.  It’s difficult to say what could be if their is no this information, it’s already happened and we are part of this civilization. 

K.C. What kind of interpretation is used by modern astrologers?

G.R. There are developed schools of modern astrology in USA, England, France, Swiss, Italy, Israel, in Spain they have ample tradition already, in Russia, Ukraine, in Arabic countries, India, China, Japan.

K.C. How do these interpretations coincide?

G.R. There are coincidences in interpretations but they all have different traditions. That’s why the main rule creating interpretation for modern astrologer is to use one of these schools and then add nuances from other ones to become more complete. Modern Astrology uses information of Greek, Egyptian, USA and Israeli schools. Tradition of ancient astrology comes from nearly 2500 year B.C. Most old Mesopotamian interpretations are dated with 6-7 centuries B.C. There are described location of Venus and its interpretation used towards agriculture.   Indian school is more close to modern way of interpretation but they have one “strange” nuance, they move ecliptic circle by 22% which they call Ayanamsa. It’s not known why did they use this shift, but the fact is that they have better results.

K.C. 2000 year was last year for 2000 year period of zodiac of Pisces. What kind of characteristics did it have?

G.R.  Two epoch interesting for us are Pisces, which we remember; history touched it and Aquarius, which have already come. It came through 90th, but Aquarius influences were already noticed in 70th when had begun movement of hippies as the symbol of Aquarius is freedom. Zodiac of Pisces is connected to Christ and love, faith, respect were the symbol of. But at the same time there was chaos, haze, misunderstanding and these two aspects of ideals and chaos where fighting with each other.

K.C. Is medieval period classical example for and can we explain things happening at that time through these characteristics?
G.R. Jesus Christ brought faith and love to people, when it was not perceived properly it provoked chaos, misunderstanding and misinterpretation. This is combination characterized to Pisces. But finally after big mess in medieval period though haze, came knowledge with great love and intuition in Renaissance.      

K.C. Do these characteristics similar to humans too who are born in this zodiac?

G.R. Yes they are quite similar.

K.C. What epoch leaded Pisces and what was the main characteristic for?

G.R. It was Aries, which is straight, characterized by expression yourself openly, persuading another to take its opinion. Positive traits are knighthood and rudeness negative, I have power and I’ll persuade you…

K.C. Did Roman Empire is classical example for and does it connect to paganism?

G.R. This is not so simple. Roman Empire is last depiction of Aries, there were more influence of Pisces, Pisces blew their winds there.

K.C. Which civilizations are classical examples of Aries?

G.R.  Egypt and Mesopotamia, Greek civilization is already last step of. Aries is straight, it says I’m more strong, I have more powerful weapon and I’ll persuade you to you what I want, but at the same time it was ”preaching” of knighthood and straightness.

K.C. Which epoch leaded it?

G.R. As epochal 2000 year astrological signs move in opposite direction of clock arrow, logically it was Taurus. Signs of Taurus are close to agriculture, to creating practical things… Georgian culture is already clearly seen in Taurus period due to archeological heritage, it’s nearly 2000-4000 year B.C. The depiction and totem of ox in Georgian culture, which can be found even in Christian culture, comes from this period. It can be described also as physical strength, co-help, work, but if you make him angry this can lead to catastrophic results.

K.C.  Logically it must be Gemini period before, right?

G.R. Yes, Gemini is characterized by contact, communication, intellectual development, but it is not history I assure you.

K.C. Is it?

G.R. It is but there is no information anyway.

K.C. As I know Gemini is single double sign. Is it true?

G.R. No, the same trait has Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces. They have double approach to life and are split between ideals and reality. For example Sagittarius is doing million things and only one can come out, it means it’s in conflict with reality. But Gemini and Pisces are classical examples of double signs.  

K.C. We are now already in Aquarius, what kind of results we can get from?

G.R. Aquarius transitory period holds 1970-2000 years. It means we are now in Aquarius, though it fully will show it self from 2030. The main trait of Aquarius is preaching of freedom. It doesn’t mean real freedom; “beating” free instincts of human can change its forms and develop into another direction during 2000 years. We talk about preaching not about freedom itself. Historically is well known that evil never acts openly with name of evil, it always casts a veil over its activity. Time preaching about faith and love will be removed by preaching about freedom by mass media, that everything should be built on equality and understanding of each other.

K.C. What kind of potential of society development shows another sign after Aquarius?

G.R. Capricorn is the next sign which demands orderliness, tidiness, prestige and everything will should have made under aegis of reputation in tidy and serious ways.

K.C. What tradition and ways of development has Georgian astrology?

G.R. Georgian astrology suffered through Soviet and post Soviet era. It has big tradition and as it considered that religion rejects astrology there are mighty examples that they lived together arm to arm with each other during all the periods under strong Christian influence. When you observe zodiac meaning in wikipedia there is picture of fresco from oldest Georgian church Svetichkhoveli, which is carrier of  the most important cultural traditions and belongs to the UNESCO Cultural heritage, built in 11th century. On this fresco Jesus Christ in the center is surrounded by two circles, inner circle depicts 13 images, through them 10 are angels, also cherub, seraph and image of two fairy circles; in second round there are 12 zodiacal signs. Interpretation of this fresco is tough, though if it’s not wings behind human images called angels, they could be considered as 12 apostles and it would be single analog of depiction them together with 12 zodiacal signs.    

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